The August 10, 2022 Board Meeting was held at the Board’s offices at 100. N. Union Street, Montgomery, Alabama. Five members appeared in the Board’s office, four members joined via Zoom meeting, and one member joined via conference call. Roll was called and the meeting started promptly at 11:06 a.m.
Mr. Webb and Mr. Jordan motion to approve the May 5, 2022 meeting minutes. The motion carried.
There were no appearances for the August 10th meeting.
The Executive Director requested that the Board adopt proposed new rule 440-X-5 Minimum Standards for Installation, Service and Repair of Heating, Air Conditioning or Refrigeration Systems by Certified Contractors. The request was tabled until the November 16, 2022 meeting due to a failure to meet the State Electronic Meeting quorum to adopt new rules. This rule section will be resubmitted for Notice of Intended Action after the above referenced meeting.
Additionally, the Board reviewed repealing rule section 440-X-3 Licensing and Fees and replacing them with updated rules. After discussion pertaining electrical and gas disconnects and the responsible in charge, section 440-X-3-.09 Responsible in Charge was resubmitted to the Working Group on Rules for approval. Once approved the proposed changes will be available to review on the Board’s website.
The Board will be submitting Notice of Intended Action for rule sections 440-X-1 Definitions, 440-X-2 Organization and Administrative Procedures of the Board, 440-X-3 Licensing and Fees, and 440-X-5 Minimum Standards for Installation, Service and Repair of Heating, Air Conditioning or Refrigeration Systems by Certified Contractors after the November 16, 2022 meeting. These rules will be voted on for approval at the first meeting of 2023 which will be posted immediately following the November 16, 2022, meeting.
Mr. Jordan gave the report of the Investigative Committee. Mr. Owen and Mr. Richard made motions to move forward with disciplinary action against 14 certified contractors, as well as ratify one consent agreement from an unlicensed individual and 10 settlement agreements as the result of disciplinary action against licensed individuals. The motions carried with Mr. Jordan abstaining from the vote.
Mr. Owen gave the report of the Education Committee. Mr. Webb and Mr. Richard made motions to accept the Committee’s recommendation to approve one non-traditional continuing education request, approve four new courses, and to deny one instructor application, one course application, and one application for examination for lack of required documentation. The motions carried.
The Board’s accountant gave the financial report and immediately after Mr. Owen and Mr. Webb made motions to ratify 108 new contractors. The motions carried.
Mr. Harper and Mr. Myers made motions to pay Board pay and travel expenses. The motion carried and Mr. Richard and Mr. Webb mate motions to adjourn the meeting.
The meeting ended at 12:05 p.m.
**pending Board approval, preliminary copies of proposed rule changes may be available under the “Proposed Rule Changes” link**